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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Comme à Reims mais Empire (Durocorter Connexion: area fifty-one's filthy ones).

The generally held belief that an electric guitar distorted and amplified beyond any normal human pain threshold is somehow desirable. Wait and see... Big up to Flaw!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Les poètes n’ont pas la pudeur de ce qu’ils vivent : ils l’exploitent."

Welcome aboard the epic story-telling of a side-project became the only one... Maybe the fake band will turn to a real activity some day?
The beginning of the end? The end of the beginning!

"4P" Ep (cd-r matrix) & "A.I.D.A." Singles (MP3, WAV & OGG @ jamendo or dogmazic soon) are ready.
Listen that on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/phyloxera .

PHYLOXERA is (and always will be) entirely dedicated to the memory of my mother (RIP).



My first gig as Phyloxera, a collaboration with HASSAN K on his own music, was occurred at Discontrol Party the 20th november 2009 (an event supported by the Next Festival at Espace Pier Paolo Pasolini, in Valenciennes - 59, Fr) w/ PAN SONIC (FI) + SEXY SUSHI + PIGEON FUNK (USA) + COMPUTER TRUCK + SASCII. Great show!

This is my first recordings as Phyloxera from a few years ago, when it was just a little studio side-project (censored and shameless yet, yeah):

Funny collaboration with MB:

Some oldies created with some bands are also released (for free) on my own netlabel called PHST RECORDS. Enjoy!