↓↓↓ Welcome to the Harsh-Score Punk Kamikaze's Black Box ↓↓↓


" Wow Gui....I'm listening to Phyloxera now... This is good stuff... I really dig it. Respect. [...] Maybe we can do a concert together the next time I'm in France? " 
- Ron Anderson (PAK, Ruins [as "Ronruins"], The Molecules, Jac...)

" The Artist! " 
- Mark Pearson (Neptune).

" Very good! Experimental and progressive as we say here. Not what I expected but very talented. " 
- Raypissed (Mystic Forest / Inverticrux).

" Interesting material, nice bass line, the first idea or impression I got was something like in the line of "Lightning bolt", keep it goin'! " 
- Neven M. Agalma (dodecahedragraph).

" I've heard that you sound like Atari Teenage Riot and Project 2501 with influence of Squarepusher :) " 
- Ritam Von Opasni (Dangerous Beat / Underground Alliance Records).

" Most excellent stuff. "
- Simon Edwards (Loose Canon on 6 Towns Radio).

" Just listened to both your EPs today in my garage. Got stoned and enjoyed the ride. Love the bass, hands down the greatest! "  
- Justin Coughman (Hectic Head)

" Funky Pest! " 
- Godscalp (NKS International).

" I know this will sound nuts... But I actually think you have something on these tracks. That could be big... I know you classified it as noise. But to me... Being one of your tags... But I think... This is a great mix of indie, rock and slight touch of metal, that is driven, electric and bloody euphoric to my ears, inside these. Excellent job. That is free flowing, catchy and very cool. As well as being exciting. " 
- Dawn (musictomyears).

" Ain't normal what you do, it's magic. " 
- Tina Verona.

" Deeptunepicker! " 
- Micah Torrance.

" One-Man Band Frantic Spider Fingers. Awesome Live Music And Bass Guitar Skills. " 
- Justin Underwood.

" Great lo-fi color and nice soundtrack. " 
- Michael Gebel.

" This is pure genius. You have GOT to check this out. " 
- Daemon Lesombre.

" Raw attitude. " 
- Andy Broome.

" The surgeon! "

" A bass master. " 

" Magnifico. Ottimo un vero codice industrial! "
- Lesmistons.

" Què cosa dantesca la Parada... "
- Cecilia Medo.

" Мощный. "
- Yashka Simon.

" C'est pas mal pour prendre de la drogue. " 
- Alexis (Shiko Shiko).

" Du bon gros son! " 

" Très bizarre votre musique, ça me rappelle Man Is The Bastard ou NoMeansNo. " 

" C'est spécial le one man band rock, mais ça sonne vraiment bien, le concept est bon, en tout cas c'est sûr il n'y a pas 2 Phyloxera comme ça. Virtuose. " 
- Otto Psy (NKS International).

" Merci beaucoup pour cette seconde vie à ce footage de l'excellent doc de Georges Franju qui dénonçait déjà dans les années 50 la torture des animaux pour combler l'excessif penchant carnivore de ses contemporains. Et comme en plus la musique est excellente... "

" Ta musique me plaît. J'ai beaucoup écouté, et ça m'arrive encore, des groupes comme The Jesus Lizard, Unsane, Big Black, Shellac, etc..."
- Luc.

" [...] ça troue le cul! Bah moi j'aime quand ça chie dans les baskets! Ou quand ça chauffe les bermudas! " 
- Polm Niko.

" On dirait du Primus sous méthamphétamine! "

" C'est plus bourrin que du heavy metal ton truc: on dirait le son des bidonvilles! "

" Aucune fausse note, vraiment classe. "

" Du pur nihilisme musical! "

" La vache, t'as un son de malade! "

" Putain c'était génial, mec! Du Crust à la fois mélodique et noisy à fond! "

" Si Gaspar Noé voulait faire du Punk, ça serait ça... C'est immersif, violent et psychédélique en même temps... "