" I know this will sound nuts... But I actually think you have something on these tracks. That could be big... I know you classified it as noise. But to me... Being one of your tags... But I think... This is a great mix of indie, rock and slight touch of metal, that is driven, electric and bloody euphoric to my ears, inside these. Excellent job. That is free flowing, catchy and very cool. As well as being exciting." - Dawn (musictomyears).Thanks to her!
And now...
ジャパノイズ (w/ unreleased 2009's live recordings):

"Lorsque commencera l’An Mille qui vient après l’An Mille
L’homme se croira Dieu alors qu’il ne sera rien de plus qu’à sa naissance
Il frappera toujours vaincu par la colère et la jalousie
Mais son bras sera armé de la puissance dont il se sera emparé
Et Prométhée aveuglé il pourra tout détruire autour de lui"
Apocalypse, selon Saint Jean de Jerusalem.