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Friday, January 23, 2015

NECKTAR 2017 Volume 7 [MetaCompilation]: OUT NOW!

Free download HERE or HERE!

"Br41n D34d" by Phyloxera (bass/effects) Vs Boozoo (drums) on track n°12.

15h14 of music co-produced by Le Colibri Nécrophile / Earsheltering / H.A.K. Lo-Fi Record.

List of contributors + manifesto/project.

PS: Don't miss Prima Materia Retort, remixes by the collective called Zone Fusion.

"Br41n D34d" is used as samples on themes "Bacteria Regnum", "Chromista Regnum", "Protista Regnum", "Hybrium Gas", and "Hybrium Liquid".

Cheers, buggers & fan-a-ticks!